“Evil is the absence of God’s love and goodness.” – Unknown

“God doesn’t cause evil, but He can use it for a greater purpose.” – Rick Warren

“In the face of evil, trust in God’s goodness and justice.” – Pope Francis

“God is not the author of evil, but He permits it for the sake of free will.” – St. Augustine

“Evil exists to teach us the value of good.” – Paulo Coelho

“God’s love and grace can overcome any evil in this world.” – Max Lucado

“Evil can only triumph when good people do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

“God uses evil to test and strengthen our faith.” – Billy Graham

“Even in the presence of evil, God’s light will always shine brighter.” – Unknown

“The darkest evil can be transformed by God’s redeeming love.” – Desmond Tutu

“Evil may have its hour, but God holds eternity in His hands.” – Unknown GOOD AND BAD FRIENDS QUOTES

“God allows evil so that we may learn to choose good.” – C.S. Lewis

“In the midst of evil, have faith that God’s justice will prevail.” – Unknown

“God’s love can rescue us from even the deepest evil.” – Joyce Meyer

“Evil may seem powerful, but it is no match for the power of God’s love.” – Unknown

“God is always present, even in the midst of evil.” – Ravi Zacharias

“Evil is a temporary force, while God’s love is eternal.” – Unknown

“God can use evil to bring about a greater good.” – Unknown

“God’s mercy is greater than any evil in this world.” – Pope John Paul II

“Evil exists to remind us of the importance of choosing righteousness.” – Unknown

“God’s goodness will ultimately triumph over all evil.” – Unknown