“Put God first in everything you do, and watch how He blesses your path.” – Unknown

“God is always there for you. Make Him your priority and He will guide you through every challenge.” – Unknown

“When you put God first, everything else falls into place.” – Unknown

“Seek God’s kingdom above all else, and everything you need will be given to you.” – Matthew 6:33

“God is the foundation of my life; without Him, everything else would crumble.” – Unknown

“When God is the center of your life, everything else finds its proper place.” – Unknown

“Keep God first and let Him take care of the rest.” – Unknown

“The greatest love you can show to God is by putting Him first in your life.” – Unknown

“In everything you do, prioritize God’s will over your own desires.” – Unknown

“When God comes first, miracles happen.” – Unknown

“Make God the CEO of your life and see how He leads you to success.” – Unknown

“Let God be your anchor when life gets stormy.” – Unknown

“When God takes first place in your heart, everything else falls into perspective.” – Unknown SAD DEPRESSING QUOTES ABOUT LOVE

“Putting God first means letting go of control and trusting in His plan.” – Unknown

“God should be our first thought in the morning, our last thought at night, and everything in between.” – Unknown

“When God is the priority, fear disappears.” – Unknown

“Choose God before any earthly desire, and you will find true fulfillment.” – Unknown

“God’s love is the only constant in an ever-changing world. Make Him your priority.” – Unknown

“God should be the compass that guides our decisions and actions.” – Unknown

“When you seek God’s will above your own, you will never go astray.” – Unknown

“Put God first, and everything else becomes secondary.” – Unknown

“When we place God at the forefront of our lives, everything aligns with His divine purpose.” – Unknown

“Make God the center of your life, and you will find peace that surpasses all understanding.” – Unknown

“When you prioritize God, He takes care of your needs and surpasses your expectations.” – Unknown

“Treat God as your number one priority, and He will make a way where there seems to be no way.” – Unknown