“God is the ultimate source of energy, fueling the entire universe.”

“The energy of God is the divine force that powers our souls.”

“When we connect with the energy of God, we tap into an infinite source of love and power.”

“The energy of God flows through every living being, connecting us all as one.”

“God’s energy is pure and unending, it has the power to heal and transform.”

“When we align our energy with God’s, miracles happen.”

“God’s energy is the driving force behind all creation, constantly renewing and sustaining life.”

“Through prayer and meditation, we can access the divine energy of God.”

“God’s energy is a beacon of light in the darkest of times.”

“The energy of God is the purest form of love, radiating warmth and compassion.”

“God’s energy is always present, guiding and protecting us.” CHOSEN BY GOD QUOTES

“We are made of God’s energy, a divine spark that resides within us all.”

“God’s energy is the lifeforce that breathes life into every moment.”

“When we open ourselves to God’s energy, we become conduits of divine grace.”

“God’s energy empowers us to overcome obstacles and pursue our dreams.”

“God’s energy is limitless, allowing us to achieve the impossible.”

“The energy of God is a constant reminder of our spiritual connection to something greater.”

“God’s energy is the driving force behind our purpose and calling in life.”

“Through acts of kindness and love, we can share God’s energy with others.”

“God’s energy is a powerful force that can bring peace and harmony to the world.”