“God is in the smallest of details.” – Vincent van Gogh

“God is always speaking to us, we just need to listen.” – Unknown

“God is the creator of everything we see and experience.” – Unknown

“God is present in every act of kindness.” – Unknown

“God is found in the beauty of nature.” – Unknown

“God’s love is evident in every sunrise and sunset.” – Unknown

“God can be seen in the eyes of a child.” – Unknown

“God is present in the smiles of strangers.” – Unknown

“God is evident in our gratitude and appreciation.” – Unknown

“God is found in the silence of prayer.” – Unknown

“God is always with us, even in our darkest moments.” – Unknown LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE QUOTES

“God is the light that guides us out of darkness.” – Unknown

“God’s love can be felt in the embrace of a loved one.” – Unknown

“God is present in the healing power of forgiveness.” – Unknown

“God is in the joy we feel when we help others.” – Unknown

“God is present in the strength and resilience of the human spirit.” – Unknown

“God can be found in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.” – Unknown

“God is always present, even in the chaos of life.” – Unknown

“God is the force that brings people together in love and unity.” – Unknown

“God is evident in the miracles that happen around us.” – Unknown

“God is everywhere, all we have to do is open our hearts and minds to see Him.” – Unknown