“Put God first in everything you do, and watch how He blesses your efforts.”

“Your family is a reflection of your relationship with God; prioritize both.”

“When God is first in your life, your family will reap the benefits.”

“Remember, God loves your family even more than you do.”

“A strong foundation in God will strengthen your family bonds.”

“God first, family second; that’s the key to a fulfilled life.”

“Invest in your relationship with God, and your family life will thrive.”

“Put God before your family, and He’ll guide you in raising them.”

“Make time for God, and you’ll find time for your family.”

“Your family should see God’s love through your actions.”

“First seek God’s will, then seek what’s best for your family.”

“God’s presence in your family brings peace and unity.”

“Remember, God is the source of all your family’s blessings.”

“When God is first, your family will walk in His favor.”

“Center your family around God’s love, and joy will overflow.”

“Teach your family to trust in God’s plan for their lives.” FAMOUS QUOTE OF TIPU SULTAN

“In all decisions, seek God’s wisdom before considering your family’s desires.”

“God first, family second; that’s the secret to a fulfilling life.”

“Put God at the center of your family, and everything else will fall into place.”

“Your family is a precious gift from God; cherish and nurture them.”

“Seek God’s guidance in every decision, including those involving your family.”

“When you prioritize God first, your family will flourish.”

“Don’t neglect your relationship with God while tending to your family’s needs.”

“God’s love and grace is the foundation upon which your family stands.”

“Place God first, and your family will have solid ground to stand on.”

“Let your love for God overflow into your love for your family.”

“Your family is a testament to God’s faithfulness in your life.”

“Seek God in all you do, and your family will thrive.”

“God’s blessings on your family are immeasurable when He’s your top priority.”

“Make God the head of your family, and His grace will abound in your lives.”