“God is still God, even when we don’t understand His ways.”

“No matter what happens, God is still God.”

“In times of uncertainty, remember that God is still God.”

“God remains the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

“The world may change, but God’s character does not.”

“God’s power and presence are constant, no matter the circumstances.”

“Whatever we may face, God is still in control.”

“God’s plans for us are unwavering, even when we cannot see them.”

“Even in our darkest moments, God is still God.”

“God’s love for us never changes, no matter our failures or successes.”

“When everything else fails, we can always trust that God is still God.”

“No problem is too big for God to handle.” HARD HITTING SAD QUOTES

“God’s faithfulness is unshakeable, even in times of doubt.”

“God’s wisdom goes beyond our understanding.”

“God’s grace and mercy are available to us always.”

“God’s promises are steadfast and true.”

“Even when we feel abandoned, God is still with us.”

“God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.”

“God’s goodness is evident in every aspect of our lives.”

“God is still God, regardless of our circumstances.”

“God’s love knows no bounds or limitations.”

“God is still God, and His plans for us are greater than we can imagine.”