“I’ll kill you for what you did to me!”

“You cannot defeat me!”

“I’ve waited so long for this!”

“I will break you!”

“I am the god of war, and you will feel my wrath!”

“You are nothing but a petty mortal!”

“I am invincible!”

“I will finish what I started!”

“I will not be defeated!”

“You cannot escape me!”

“You dare challenge a god?”

“You will regret crossing my path!” NOT FEELING CHRISTMAS QUOTES

“I’ll tear you limb from limb!”

“You cannot hide from me!”

“I will bring destruction upon you!”

“You are no match for my power!”

“Your destiny is to be crushed by me!”

“I will make you beg for mercy!”

“I am the embodiment of war itself!”

“You will feel the full force of my rage!”

“You cannot comprehend the extent of my power!”

“You think you can defeat a god? How foolish!”

“Prepare to meet your end!”