“God watches over drunks and fools.”

“Divine protection extends even to the most foolish and reckless individuals.”

“In God’s eyes, no one is beyond his care and guidance, including the drunkards and fools.”

“Even in their foolishness, God’s love and protection still encompass the drunks and fools.”

“God’s grace extends even to those who have lost their way in alcohol and folly.”

“God’s shelter embraces even the most lost and bewildered souls, including the drunks and fools.”

“To God, every life is valuable and worth protecting, even that of the drunkard and the fool.”

“In God’s hands, even the foolish choices of the drunkards find protection and redemption.”

“God’s love extends to all, including those who have fallen into drunkenness and foolishness.”

“God offers his divine shield of protection even to those engulfed by alcohol and foolish decisions.”

“Despite their flaws, God’s watchful eye guards over both the drunks and the foolish.”

“God’s protection is all-encompassing, even extending lovingly towards the drunkards and the foolish.” BEST VIRAT KOHLI QUOTES

“In their moments of weakness, God’s hand guides and protects even the drunks and the fools.”

“Even the most reckless individuals find solace and protection under God’s mighty wings.”

“God’s protection knows no bounds, reaching out to even the most misguided and foolish souls.”

“Divine intervention shields even the drunkards and the fools from their own self-destructive choices.”

“The love of God extends to the depths of despair, embracing the drunks and the fools in their moments of need.”

“God’s guardianship encompasses everyone, including the lost and misguided drunkards and fools.”

“God’s grace covers even those who have made a life full of foolish choices and drunken escapades.”

“Even in their darkest nights, God’s presence guards and protects the drunkards and the fools.”

“God’s mercy extends to all, showering his protective light even on the drunks and the fools.”

“The umbrella of God’s love shelters even the most lost and bewildered souls, including the drunks and the fools.”

“God’s protection is the refuge for all, especially the lost souls, the drunks, and the fools.”