“In God’s economy, everything has a purpose, every circumstance can be redeemed, and every life has great value.” – Rick Warren

“God gives us difficulties to bring out the best in us.” – Marvin J. Ashton

“God doesn’t give you the people you want; He gives you the people you need to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you the person you were meant to be.” – Unknown

“God will never give you anything you can’t handle, so don’t stress.” – Kelly Clarkson

“God will always give you what you need, not what you want.” – Unknown

“God’s will is not an itinerary but an attitude.” – Andrew Murray

“God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.” – Max Lucado

“When God takes something from your grasp, He’s not punishing you, but merely emptying your hand for the next thing to take.” – Unknown

“God’s plan for your life is greater than the circumstances you find yourself in.” – Nick Vujicic

“God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way.” – C.S. Lewis

“God will always bring the right people into your life, but you have to let the wrong ones walk away.” – Unknown

“God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that you wouldn’t have to do it alone.” – Unknown FUNNY EMO QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“God’s love is like a river, constantly flowing, always refreshing.” – Unknown

“God has not promised to remove all your problems, but He has promised not to go through them alone.” – Unknown

“God has a perfect timing for everything. Learn to wait on Him.” – Unknown

“God’s love for us is greater than anything we can comprehend.” – Unknown

“God can heal a broken heart, but He has to have all the pieces.” – Unknown

“God never gives anyone a burden heavier than they can carry.” – Unknown

“God never said life would be easy. He just promised it would be worth it.” – Unknown

“God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime.” – Unknown

“God’s grace is sufficient for us, no matter what we may be facing.” – Unknown

“God’s plan for your life is far greater than the circumstances of your day.” – Unknown