“God saved me from death because He still has a purpose for my life.”

“In the face of death, only God’s saving grace can pull us back from the edge.”

“When I was at the brink of death, God’s hand reached out to rescue me.”

“God’s love and divine intervention spared me from an untimely death.”

“Countless times I have escaped death, thanks to God’s unfailing protection.”

“When all hope seemed lost, God’s saving hand lifted me out of the jaws of death.”

“My survival is a testament to God’s saving power and His ultimate plan for me.”

“In moments of imminent death, clinging to God gave me the strength to overcome.”

“God’s saving grace shielded me from the clutches of death, renewing my faith.”

“God spared my life so that I may glorify Him and fulfill His purpose.”

“Surviving near-death experiences has deepened my gratitude for God’s saving grace.” ADOPTIVE SISTER QUOTES

“Through God’s divine intervention, death’s grip was loosened, and I was given another chance.”

“I thought I was done, but God had other plans; His saving hand pulled me back.”

“When I was on the brink of surrendering to death, God’s love breathed new life into me.”

“God’s saving power snatched me from the jaws of death, leaving me forever grateful.”

“The scars on my body are a testament to God’s saving grace, reminding me of His mercy.”

“In the face of death, I called out to God, and He answered, sparing my life.”

“When I fell into the abyss of death, God’s saving light shone upon me, guiding me back to life.”

“God’s saving touch turned my certain death into a miraculous testimony of His power.”

“In the darkest of moments, when death seemed inevitable, God’s saving hand pulled me into the light.”

“My survival is proof of God’s endless love and His ability to bring life from death’s doorstep.”