“I use imperfect vessels to show the power of my grace and forgiveness.”

“Your flaws do not disqualify you from being used by me, they make you relatable to others.”

“In your weakness, I am made strong.”

“I can work through brokenness and turn it into something beautiful.”

“Don’t let your imperfections hinder you from stepping into the purpose I have for you.”

“I don’t call the qualified, I qualify the called.”

“It is not about your abilities, but about your willingness to surrender to me.”

“In your imperfections, I find opportunity for growth and transformation.”

“I choose imperfect vessels to demonstrate that it is my power that works through you.”

“Your past mistakes do not define your future potential in my kingdom.”

“I see the potential in you, even when you can’t see it in yourself.” SAYING GOODBYE TO FAMILY QUOTES

“Don’t underestimate what I can do with a heart that is willing to be used, regardless of its imperfections.”

“I take the broken pieces of your life and create a masterpiece.”

“I love you not in spite of your flaws, but because of them.”

“Embrace your imperfections, for they are what make you uniquely qualified for the specific purpose I have for you.”

“I use imperfect vessels to teach humility and to remind others that it is my power at work, not their own.”

“Your weaknesses allow me to demonstrate my strength.”

“I am not looking for perfection, but for a heart that seeks after me.”

“Do not be discouraged by your imperfections, for I am perfecting you through them.”

“I can turn your scars into testimonies of my power and redemption.”

“Trust that I can use your imperfections for my glory and the benefit of others.”