“Going back to your ex is like trying to put a broken mirror back together.”

“It’s like returning to a book you’ve already finished reading.”

“Going back to your ex is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.”

“It’s like rewatching a movie and expecting a different ending.”

“Going back to your ex is like trying to use an eraser on a pen-written paper.”

“It’s like trying to reheat a meal that has gone cold.”

“Going back to your ex is like trying to swim against the current.”

“It’s like trying to resurrect a dead flower.”

“Going back to your ex is like reopening a closed chapter and expecting a different outcome.”

“It’s like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.”

“Going back to your ex is like trying to hold sand in your hands – it will slip away.”

“It’s like trying to rekindle a fire with wet wood.”

“Going back to your ex is like hoping a broken glass will magically fix itself.”

“It’s like rewinding time and expecting things to be different.”

“Going back to your ex is like revisiting a place that no longer holds the same charm.”

“It’s like trying to recreate a masterpiece with faded colors.” HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO MY WIFE FUNNY QUOTES

“Going back to your ex is like replaying a song that no longer resonates with you.”

“It’s like trying to reattach a wing to a fallen bird.”

“Going back to your ex is like returning a puzzle missing several vital pieces.”

“It’s like trying to drink from a cup that is already empty.”

“Going back to your ex is like trying to sail against a strong wind.”

“It’s like attempting to fix a cracked mirror with scotch tape.”

“Going back to your ex is like trying to revive a dead battery.”

“It’s like trying to put a genie back into the bottle.”

“Going back to your ex is like rearranging the pieces of a puzzle that never fit.”

“It’s like trying to make a wilted flower bloom again.”

“Going back to your ex is like wearing old shoes that no longer fit.”

“It’s like trying to rebuild a sandcastle that has been washed away by the tide.”

“Going back to your ex is like expecting a worn-out pencil to write a new story.”

“It’s like trying to convince a cloud to hold its shape.”