“Home is where the fridge is filled with food and the WiFi automatically connects.”

“The best part about going home is knowing I can wear sweatpants all day.”

“I’m not saying my house is messy, but I can’t find my bed under all these clothes.”

“Going home is like hitting the reset button on my responsibilities.”

“Home is where ‘pants are optional’ becomes a way of life.”

“The most exercise I get is going from the couch to the fridge at home.”

“Going home means I can finally indulge in all the unhealthy snacks I’ve been avoiding.”

“I miss home-cooked meals, mostly because I don’t have to cook them.”

“Home is where my mom still thinks I’m the coolest person ever.”

“At home, no one judges me for having strange conversations with my pets.”

“There’s nothing like a hot shower and a cozy bed after a long trip. Especially if they’re at home.”

“Home is where I can be my weirdest self without any judgment.”

“My definition of ‘getting dressed up’ at home involves putting on clean pajamas.” FANCYING SOMEONE QUOTES

“It’s a weird feeling when going home means ditching the adult responsibilities for a while.”

“Going home is like pressing pause on real life and entering a reality show called ‘The Couch Chronicles’.”

“At home, I’m the king/queen of the TV remote. No arguments allowed.”

“Going home means being reunited with my true love: my bed.”

“At home, I have my own personal chef, who goes by the name of ‘Microwave’.”

“Home is where I have 100% control over the thermostat. Prepare for tropical temperatures in December!”

“I’m convinced my hometown has a teleportation feature. One minute I’m on the road, the next I’m already home.”

“Going home feels like stepping into a time machine where all my embarrassing childhood photos are on display.”

“Home is where the refrigerator becomes the ultimate source of entertainment.”

“I love going home because my mom’s cooking is basically Michelin-star level.”

“The best kind of adventures happen when going from the bedroom to the kitchen at home.”