“The only source of knowledge is experience.” – Albert Einstein

“Good experiences make you humble. Bad experiences make you strong. Both are necessary in life.” – Unknown

“Good experiences are a catalyst for personal growth and discovery.” – Unknown

“Bad experiences are not evidence of failure but lessons on the road to success.” – Unknown

“The beauty of life lies in both its good and bad experiences.” – Unknown

“Good experiences teach you to be grateful, bad experiences teach you to be resilient.” – Unknown

“Life is a mixture of good and bad experiences, embrace them all for they shape who you are.” – Unknown

“A good experience lights up the spirit, while a bad experience ignites the fire within.” – Unknown

“You cannot appreciate the good experiences until you have endured the bad ones.” – Unknown

“Bad experiences don’t define you, they refine you.” – Unknown

“Good experiences are like precious gems, cherish them; bad experiences are like stepping stones, learn from them.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT LITTLE THINGS

“Good experiences bring joy, but it’s the bad experiences that bring wisdom.” – Unknown

“A life well-lived is a combination of good and bad experiences.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the worst experiences can bring out the best in us.” – Unknown

“Good experiences broaden your perspective; bad experiences deepen your understanding.” – Unknown

“Bad experiences make for great stories of resilience and triumph.” – Unknown

“Good experiences inspire us to reach for the stars, while bad experiences teach us to appreciate the journey.” – Unknown

“In the realm of personal growth, there is no such thing as a wasted experience.” – Unknown

“Good experiences are like a breath of fresh air, while bad experiences teach us the art of endurance.” – Unknown

“Life is a rollercoaster of good and bad experiences, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.” – Unknown