“I think you have to be cool to be a good flirt, and I don’t think I’m very cool.”

“I believe in karma, and I think if you put good into the world, you’ll get good back.”

“I think the only way to really be cool is to be kind.”

“If you get given a chance to do something, always take it, because it might not come around again.”

“If someone is nice to you, then it’s nice to be nice back to them.”

“I think being in love with life is a key to eternal youth.”

“Treat people with kindness.”

“The whole idea of being a massive pop star is tough to process when you’re only young.”

“I’m really free-spirited about people and about myself.”

“I just want to do what I love, which is music.”

“It’s good to experiment and not be too set in stone with anything.” SISTER MARRIED QUOTES

“We’re all a bit weird, and life’s a bit weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness.”

“I don’t think you can ever be too old to enjoy yourself.”

“If you’re not grabbing people’s attention, you’re only half doing the job.”

“I think it’s all about accepting yourself and being happy with who you are.”

“You can’t bribe someone into feeling something for you. It doesn’t work like that.”

“If someone doesn’t value you, they don’t deserve you.”

“I’m quite romantic. I like going out. I like movies. I like doing stuff completely backwards from what I’m told men in rock bands should do.”

“I like to think of myself as a gentleman whenever possible.”

“I’m a big believer in karma, and I think what you put into the world comes back to you.”

“I think it’s important to remember who you were before the world told you who you should be.”