“Congratulations on your new job! Remember, it’s all fun and games until someone takes your stapler.”

“Good luck in your new job! Just remember, if your boss is riding you, the problem might actually be that you’re in the wrong direction.”

“Wishing you the best of luck in your new job! Just remember, the easiest way to excel is to convince everyone else that you’re the boss’s favorite.”

“Congratulations! Sending you all the luck in the world for your new job. Just don’t forget to carefully balance your boss’s coffee with a sprinkle of magic.”

“Good luck in your new job! May it bring you more money, fewer meetings, and an endless supply of office snacks.”

“Wishing you luck in your new job! May your coworkers be friendly, your boss be understanding, and your desk be far away from the office gossip.”

“Congratulations on your new job! Here’s to hoping that your coworkers are as pleasant as an air freshener in a bathroom stall.”

“Good luck in your new job! May your coffee always be strong, your internet connection stable, and your coworkers fear your stapler.”

“Wishing you all the best in your new job! Just remember, the key to success is not letting your boss catch you scrolling through memes on your lunch break.”

“Congratulations on your new job! May your coworkers be as amusing as your favorite sitcom and your boss as forgiving as your mom.”

“Good luck in your new job! May the office coffee machine always be full, and your workload always be light.”

“Wishing you all the luck in your new job! May your paycheck be as fat as your lunchtime cravings.” BEST KOBE BRYANT QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Congratulations! May your new job bring you more joy than finding money in an old jacket pocket.”

“Good luck in your new job! Remember, no matter how tough it gets, just think of it as an extended coffee break.”

“Wishing you all the best! May your new job be so amazing that you forget all about your last horrible boss.”

“Congratulations on your new job! Remember, if all else fails, just pretend to look busy and hope nobody notices.”

“Good luck in your new job! Don’t forget to keep a stress ball handy for those moments when you feel like chucking your computer out the window.”

“Wishing you all the best in your new job! May your coworkers be as funny as your friends, and your salary as big as your dreams.”

“Congratulations! May your new job be like a breath of fresh air – not counting the office microwave smells.”

“Good luck in your new job! Just remember, it’s okay to cry in the bathroom if necessary. We won’t judge.”

“Wishing you the best of luck in your new job! Trust me, you’re going to need it.”

“Congratulations on your new job! Remember, if at first, you don’t succeed, just try to look busy until someone else does it for you.”

“Good luck in your new job! May you never have to experience the unending terror of a “reply all” mishap.”