“Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world.” – George

“I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you.” – Lennie

“I ain’t got no people. I seen the guys that go around on the ranches alone. That ain’t no good. They don’t have no fun.” – Lennie

“I done another bad thing.” – Lennie

“I can talk to people, but I can’t talk to people.” – Lennie

“We could live offa the fatta the lan’.” – Lennie

“You always killed things like mice.” – George

“Ain’t many guys travel around together. I don’t know why. Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.” – Slim

“I never get to talk to nobody. I just get to talk to people with a stick.” – Crooks

“A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody.” – Crooks

“Tell me like you done before.” – Lennie

“I can’t sleep with him snorin’ no more.” – Candy

“Curley’s like a lot of little guys. He hates big guys.” – Slim

“Seems like Curley ain’t givin’ nobody a chance.” – Slim HAPPY FATHERS DAY QUOTES HUSBAND

“I won’t have no place to go, an’ I can’t get no more jobs.” – Candy

“Lennie never done it in meanness. He just wanted to feel that girl’s dress.” – George

“I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would.” – George

“You’re yella as a frog belly. I don’t like you.” – Curley

“I don’t like this place, George. This ain’t no good place.” – Lennie

“Ain’t nobody goin’ to talk no hurt to George.” – Slim

“I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing.” – Lennie

“We got each other. That’s all. We got each other, and that’s a lot.” – George

“I ought to have shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn’t ought to have let no stranger shoot my dog.” – Candy

“A water snake slipped along on the pool, its head held up like a little periscope.” – Steinbeck

“Maybe ever’body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.” – Slim

“Whatever we ain’t got, that’s what you want.” – George

“Never you mind. A guy got to sometimes.” – Slim