“A good political leader takes responsibility for their actions, listens to their constituents, and works toward the greater good.” – Unknown

“The measure of a good political leader is not the popularity they gain, but the positive impact they make on society.” – Unknown

“A good political leader is one who inspires others to strive for a better future and works tirelessly to achieve it.” – Barack Obama

“Leadership is not about power, it’s about empowering others.” – Unknown

“A good political leader is one who listens to diverse opinions, seeks common ground, and makes decisions based on the best interest of the people.” – Unknown

“The mark of a good political leader is not the ability to make promises, but the determination to keep them.” – Angela Merkel

“A true leader does not divide people for personal gain, but unites them for the greater good.” – Nelson Mandela

“A good political leader is driven by integrity, humility, and the willingness to serve.” – Unknown

“Leadership is not about being in charge, it’s about taking care of those in your charge.” – Unknown

“A good political leader understands that diversity is strength and promotes inclusivity in all aspects of governance.” – Jacinda Ardern

“The best political leader is one who leads by example, fosters trust, and inspires others to do the same.” – Unknown MY WORK PLACE QUOTES

“A good political leader is characterized by their ability to make tough decisions, even in the face of adversity.” – Winston Churchill

“Leadership is not about being right all the time, but about admitting mistakes and learning from them.” – Unknown

“A good political leader is one who prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized in society.” – Unknown

“Leadership is not about dominance, it’s about influence and collaboration.” – Unknown

“A good political leader encourages open dialogue, values different perspectives, and fosters a culture of respect and inclusivity.” – Unknown

“Leadership is not about elevating oneself, but about empowering others to reach their full potential.” – Unknown

“A good political leader leads with integrity, transparency, and accountability.” – Unknown

“The measure of a good political leader is not the size of their ego, but the strength of their character.” – Unknown

“Leadership is not about personal ambition, it’s about working selflessly for the betterment of the community and society.” – Unknown