“Life is too short to waste on smoking.” – Unknown

“Smoking takes away your breath, while life gives you endless opportunities.” – Unknown

“Life is so beautiful, why tarnish it with smoke?” – Unknown

“Don’t trade your health for a temporary pleasure.” – Unknown

“Smoking may seem cool, but a healthy life is much cooler.” – Unknown

“Choose life, not cigarettes.” – Unknown

“Life becomes a burden when you breathe in smoke.” – Unknown

“Don’t let smoking steal the precious moments of your life.” – Unknown

“A smoke-free life is a life well-lived.” – Unknown

“Breathing clean air is a reminder of how wonderful life can be.” – Unknown

“A healthy life is a life full of possibilities.” – Unknown

“Life without smoking is like a breath of fresh air.” – Unknown

“Smoking may be a habit, but life shouldn’t be.” – Unknown PEACE CHRISTMAS QUOTES BIBLE

“Smoking diminishes life’s vibrancy; quit and embrace the colors.” – Unknown

“There is more to life than a cigarette.” – Unknown

“Smoking steals your time, health, and joy. Choose life instead.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the smoke cloud your vision of a better future.” – Unknown

“A smoke-free life is worth fighting for.” – Unknown

“No amount of smoke can replace the beauty of a healthy life.” – Unknown

“Life is meant to be lived, not smoked away.” – Unknown

“Extinguish the habit of smoking and ignite the flame of a healthier life.” – Unknown

“Don’t let smoking dominate your story; be the author of a smoke-free life.” – Unknown

“Life is too important to be taken in with smoke.” – Unknown

“Smoking may seem enjoyable, but it comes at a high cost – your life.” – Unknown