“A successful relationship requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” – Mignon McLaughlin

“A great relationship is about two things: first, appreciating the similarities, and second, respecting the differences.” – Unknown

“Every relationship goes through difficulties. It’s how you handle them together that counts.” – Unknown

“To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not on their flaws or weaknesses.” – Unknown

“The greatest relationships are the ones you never saw coming.” – Unknown

“In a strong relationship, you should love your partner more than you need them.” – Unknown

“Happiness in a relationship is not determined by the number of arguments, but by the speed and effectiveness of resolving them.” – Unknown

“A strong relationship requires choosing to love each other even in those moments when you struggle to like each other.” – Unknown

“A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future.” – Unknown

“In a healthy relationship, both partners continuously give and receive love, trust, and respect.” – Unknown

“Building a relationship is not about finding someone perfect, but about finding someone who is willing to work through the imperfections together.” – Unknown

“The best relationships are the ones that bring the best out of you.” – Unknown

“Real love is not based on romance, candlelight dinners, or walks on the beach. It’s based on respect, compromise, care, and trust.” – Unknown THANKS FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO QUOTES

“A true relationship is when you can tell each other anything and everything. No secrets, no lies.” – Unknown

“The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.” – Esther Perel

“A great relationship doesn’t happen because of the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end.” – Unknown

“The most important ingredient we put into any relationship is not what we say or do, but what we are.” – Stephen Covey

“The success of a relationship isn’t measured by the time spent together, but by the obstacles you’ve overcome together.” – Unknown

“A strong relationship is built on unconditional love, mutual respect, and unwavering support.” – Unknown

“In the end, it’s not about finding someone who will fulfill every dream, but someone who will love you during the journey of achieving them.” – Unknown

“To nourish a relationship, prioritize spending quality time together, communicate openly, and show appreciation for each other.” – Unknown

“A healthy relationship doesn’t need a promise, terms, or conditions. It just needs two people who can trust and be loyal to each other.” – Unknown

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn

“A strong relationship is built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and shared values.” – Unknown