“El amor no tiene fronteras ni lenguaje, solo se siente.”

(Love has no boundaries or language, it is only felt.)

“Eres mi sol en un día nublado.”

(You are my sun on a cloudy day.)

“En tus ojos encuentro mi paz.”

(In your eyes, I find my peace.)

“Eres el sueño que nunca quiero despertar.”

(You are the dream I never want to wake up from.)

“Tu amor es el motor que impulsa mi vida.”

(Your love is the driving force behind my life.)

“Eres lo más bonito que me ha pasado en la vida.”

(You are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in life.)

“Eres mi media naranja, mi alma gemela.”

(You are my other half, my soulmate.)

“El verdadero amor no conoce distancia ni tiempo.”

(True love knows no distance or time.)

“Eres el motivo por el que sonrío cada día.”

(You are the reason I smile every day.)

“El amor es eterno, siempre y cuando estemos juntos.”

(Love is eternal, as long as we are together.)

“Eres mi refugio en medio de la tormenta.”

(You are my refuge in the midst of the storm.)

“Tu amor es la melodía que hace latir mi corazón.”

(Your love is the melody that makes my heart beat.)

“Eres la razón por la que creo en el amor verdadero.”

(You are the reason I believe in true love.)

“Eres mi vida, mi amor, mi todo.”

(You are my life, my love, my everything.)

“Tus abrazos son mi refugio, mi lugar seguro.”

(Your hugs are my sanctuary, my safe place.) CUTE 3 BEST FRIENDS QUOTES

“Eres mi paz en medio del caos.”

(You are my peace in the midst of chaos.)

“Tú y yo juntos, contra viento y marea.”

(You and I together, against all odds.)

“El amor no se encuentra, se construye.”

(Love is not found, it is built.)

“Eres la respuesta a todas mis preguntas.”

(You are the answer to all my questions.)

“El amor es como el viento, no se puede ver pero se puede sentir.”

(Love is like the wind, it cannot be seen but it can be felt.)

“En tu sonrisa encuentro mi felicidad.”

(In your smile, I find my happiness.)

“Eres mi luz en los días oscuros.”

(You are my light on dark days.)

“El amor es un viaje que quiero recorrer contigo.”

(Love is a journey I want to travel with you.)

“Eres el sueño que nunca quiero despertar.”

(You are the dream I never want to wake up from.)

“Eres mi inspiración, mi razón para seguir adelante.”

(You are my inspiration, my reason to keep going.)

“El amor es la fuerza que mueve el mundo.”

(Love is the force that moves the world.)

“Eres el latido que acelera mi corazón.”

(You are the heartbeat that quickens my heart.)

“El amor verdadero es aquel que no necesita explicaciones.”

(True love is the one that doesn’t need explanations.)

“Eres mi destino, mi suerte, mi fortuna.”

(You are my destiny, my luck, my fortune.)