“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip-toe if you must, but take the step.” – Unknown

“The city streets are the real runways.” – Unknown

“The streets will always love you back.” – Unknown

“If the streets could talk, they would tell you stories untold.” – Unknown

“Life is like a street, and we are the wanderers.” – Unknown

“A city is not just a place, it’s a feeling.” – Unknown

“In the streets, we find freedom.” – Unknown

“The street is a stage, and we are the actors.” – Unknown

“The street is where dreams are born and broken.” – Unknown

“Every street corner holds a different story.” – Unknown

“Live life on the streets, not on the sidelines.” – Unknown YOUR SMILE IS LIKE THE SUNSHINE QUOTES

“In the chaos of the streets, find your own rhythm.” – Unknown

“The streets are filled with possibilities.” – Unknown

“The street is the poetry of the city.” – Unknown

“The streets are a reflection of our society.” – Unknown

“The streets are where I feel alive.” – Unknown

“Walking down the street is where I find my peace.” – Unknown

“The streets are the veins of the city’s heartbeat.” – Unknown

“The streets never sleep, just like the dreamers.” – Unknown

“In the streets, we are all equal.” – Unknown

“The streets are our canvas to create our own masterpiece.” – Unknown