“Choose happiness, it’s good for your health.”

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou

“Positive vibes only, please.”

“Life is better when you’re laughing.”

“Your vibe attracts your tribe.”

“Good things happen to those who radiate good energy.”

“Find joy in the journey.”

“Inhale positivity, exhale negativity.”

“Smile, it’s contagious.”

“Spread love, kindness, and good vibes.”

“Be the energy you want to attract.”

“Choose kindness and sprinkle good vibes everywhere.”

“Surround yourself with positive people and positive energy.” BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT A NEW YEAR

“Good vibes only, let go of anything that doesn’t serve you.”

“Don’t settle for anything less than a good vibe.”

“Life is too short to have anything but good vibes.”

“Be the reason someone smiles today.”

“You have the power to create your own sunshine.”

“Embrace the good vibes, let go of negativity.”

“Radiate positivity and watch your world change.”

“Life is too precious to waste on negative vibes.”

“Stay focused, stay positive, and miracles will happen.”

“Good vibes are like magnets; they attract more happiness into your life.”

“Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you.”

“Be a source of good vibes in a world full of chaos.”