“Goodness is the greatest power in the world, and it will always triumph over evil.” – Desmond Tutu

“No matter how dark the world may seem, love and kindness will always prevail over evil.” – Unknown

“Goodness is like a flame that can never be extinguished, while evil is like a gust of wind that passes through.” – Unknown

“Light will always conquer darkness, and good will always triumph over evil.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“The power of good is infinite, and evil will always fall under its dominion.” – Unknown

“No matter how long the night may seem, dawn will always break and banish the darkness.” – Unknown

“Goodness is the sword that can slay even the mightiest evil.” – Unknown

“Even the smallest acts of kindness have the power to overcome the biggest evils.” – Unknown

“In the battle between good and evil, goodness will always emerge victorious.” – Unknown

“No evil can stand against the strength of a pure heart.” – Unknown

“Good will forever overcome evil’s attempts to spread darkness.” – Unknown

“Goodness is the beacon that guides humanity away from the clutches of evil.” – Unknown

“Evil may seem invincible at times, but good will always find a way to defeat it.” – Unknown

“The triumph of good over evil is inevitable; it is simply a matter of time.” – Unknown

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr. ONE DAY SOMEONE WILL HUG YOU SO TIGHT QUOTE

“Every act of kindness is a victory over evil.” – Unknown

“The light of goodness shines brightest in the darkest of times.” – Unknown

“The battle between good and evil is as old as time, and good has always stood tall in the end.” – Unknown

“Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and it will always conquer evil.” – Unknown

“Goodness is not just a virtue; it is a force that cannot be defeated.” – Unknown

“In the end, it is always the good that remains standing, while evil crumbles away.” – Unknown

“Goodness will endure, while evil is temporary and fleeting.” – Unknown

“Even in the darkest of times, the flame of good never goes out.” – Unknown

“The greatest weapon against evil is the power of love and compassion.” – Unknown

“The power of good is the driving force that will ultimately bring down the walls of evil.” – Unknown

“Evil may try to extinguish the light, but goodness will always find a way to shine through.” – Unknown

“Goodness is like a ripple in a pond; it may start small, but it can create waves that wash away evil.” – Unknown

“When faced with evil, the power of good always rises.” – Unknown

“The forces of good are silent but strong, and they will always triumph over the noise of evil.” – Unknown