“Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises.” – Pedro Calderón de la Barca

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.” – Alice Walker

“The earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein

“The Earth does not belong to us. We belong to the Earth.” – Chief Seattle

“Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.” – Nelson Henderson

“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” – John Muir

“Adopt the pace of nature; her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The greatest wealth is to live content with the little we have.” – Plato

“The Earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry

“Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” – Gary Snyder

“He who plants a tree plants a hope.” – Lucy Larcom MISSING DANCE QUOTES

“The forest makes your heart gentle. You become one with it… No place for greed or anger there” – Pha Pachak

“Go green for a better tomorrow.” – Anonymous

“The environment is where we all meet; where all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson

“Live green, love green, think green.” – Anthony Douglas Williams

“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.” – Charles Dickens

“Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land.” – Aldo Leopold

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Green is a label for a certain attitude to life, a certain kind of respect that we have for the very source of our own life.” – Annie Lennox

“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature.” – Rachel Carson

“Choose only one master – nature.” – Rembrandt

“If we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either.” – Joseph Wood Krutch

“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.” – Margaret Atwood

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” – Chinese Proverb