“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” – Proverbs 4:23

“Protect your heart from those who don’t appreciate its worth.”

“Don’t let the world harden your heart; protect its softness, for it is a precious gift.”

“A guarded heart is a shield against pain and disappointment.”

“Keep the walls around your heart strong, only allowing those who deserve entry.”

“Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life within you.”

“Protect your heart from those who want to break it, and give it to someone who cherishes it.”

“Never apologize for guarding your heart; it is your most valuable possession.”

“Trust your heart, but also protect it from those who might take advantage of its vulnerability.”

“Love deeply, but know when to protect your heart from those who don’t reciprocate.”

“Keep your heart protected, but also remember to let love in when it comes knocking.”

“Guard your heart, for it is your own responsibility to keep it safe and whole.”

“Protect your heart from those who try to manipulate it; you are in charge of its well-being.” QUOTES ON FATHERS DAY

“Don’t let past wounds define your future; guard your heart and create a new narrative.”

“A guarded heart is a wise heart; it knows its worth and doesn’t settle for less.”

“Protect your heart from toxic relationships, for they can poison your spirit.”

“Guard your heart from negativity, and invite positivity to flourish within you.”

“Protect your heart from those who don’t value your love; reserve it for someone who deserves it.”

“A guarded heart doesn’t mean being closed off, but rather being selective about who gets to enter.”

“Guard your heart fiercely, for it is the seat of your emotions and desires.”

“Protect your heart from those who don’t know its true value; they are not worthy of it.”

“Don’t let the world harden your heart; instead, protect its vulnerability and let it guide you.”

“A guarded heart is a strong heart; it knows when to let love in and when to protect itself.”

“Guard your heart, but also be open to the possibility of a love that is worth the risk.”