“The Lord is all-pervading, free from desire, and the Support of all creatures” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“By speaking softly, even a donkey can be tamed” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The world is a drama, staged in a dream” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“Through the Guru’s teachings, the mind is restrained, and one remains absorbed in the Lord” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“The Supreme Lord God is unknowable; He cannot be known through thought or reasoning” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The fool does not realize the value of the jewel he bears within his mind” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“The whole world is corrupt and deluded, bound by the chains of attachment” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“God is within you, but you do not know Him” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“Without the Guru’s teachings, true enlightenment cannot be attained” – Guru Amardas Ji

“Whoever serves the Guru will be saved” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Lord is the ultimate dispenser of justice; everything happens according to His will” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“Without the Guru’s grace, there is no liberation or salvation” – Guru Angad Dev Ji INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER

“The Lord is the Master of both life and death; surrender to His will” – Guru Gobind Singh Ji

“The mind is so fickle, like a wind-blown flag. It can only be controlled through meditation” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“Attachment to Maya is the cause of all suffering and pain” – Guru Arjan Dev Ji

“Meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and you will find peace” – Guru Amar Das Ji

“The Lord is the Creator and Sustainer of all; surrender to His will” – Guru Gobind Singh Ji

“Without the Guru, there is no realization of the Truth” – Guru Ram Das Ji

“By serving others, one attains salvation” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Lord is within you, waiting to be realized” – Guru Angad Dev Ji

“The mind is the cause of both bondage and liberation; control it through meditation” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji

“The Lord is the source of all power and strength; seek His refuge” – Guru Gobind Singh Ji

“The Lord is the ultimate truth; surrender to His will and find peace” – Guru Nanak Dev Ji