“Happiness is being with the person who understands and accepts you completely.”

“The greatest happiness in life is seeing each other smile.”

“Love is not finding someone to live with, but finding someone you can’t live without.”

“True happiness is when you find someone who brings out the best in you.”

“Happiness is holding hands and walking together through life.”

“The secret to a happy relationship is finding joy in the simple things.”

“Love is not about finding a perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.”

“Happiness is a quiet moment together, just enjoying each other’s presence.”

“The greatest happiness in love is the feeling of being home when you are with the right person.”

“Happiness is being able to be your true self around your partner.”

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life together – to be happy, it’s all that matters.”

“A happy relationship is built on trust, love, and laughter.”

“In each other’s presence, we find happiness.”

“Happiness is the result of a loving, supportive, and understanding relationship.” WILL DURANT QUOTES ON INDIA

“The goal in a relationship should be to make each other happy and not to change each other.”

“Happiness is knowing that no matter what, we will always be there for each other.”

“When I’m with you, my heart is full of joy and happiness.”

“Happiness is having someone to share life’s ups and downs with.”

“Love is not about how many adventures you go on; it’s about who you have them with.”

“Happiness is not having everything, but being content and grateful for what we have together.”

“True happiness is found in the laughter we share and the memories we create.”

“Happiness is knowing that we are better together than we could ever be apart.”

“In your arms, I find solace and happiness.”

“Happiness is building a life together, filled with love and shared dreams.”

“Being with you feels like coming home to happiness every day.”

“True happiness is holding onto each other, even when life gets tough.”