“Happiness is a choice, not a result.”

“Choose happiness every day.”

“Be happy, it drives people crazy.”

“Happiness doesn’t depend on what you have, but on how you think.”

“The secret to being happy is accepting where you are in life and making the most out of every day.”

“Happiness is not something you find, it’s something you create.”

“Every day is a new chance to be happy.”

“Smile, it’s the key that fits the lock of everyone’s heart.”

“Focus on the good and watch the rest fall away.”

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”

“The happier you are, the more beautiful you become.”

“Be grateful for what you have, and you’ll end up having more.”

“Happiness is the highest form of success.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT HANDMADE

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect.”

“Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have.”

“Life is too short to be anything but happy.”

“Happiness is an inside job.”

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”

“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

“When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow bring out the best in ourselves.”

“Surround yourself with the things that make you happy.”

“Do more of what makes you happy.”

“Happiness is a journey, not a destination.”