“Sunday checklist: sleep in, relax, repeat.”

“Sunday is the day I refuel my soul and be grateful for a blessed week.”

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.” – Joseph Addison

“Sunday: the day I pretend to do a bunch of productive things but end up watching Netflix in my pajamas.”

“Sunday, the day for doing absolutely nothing without feeling guilty.”

“Sunday is my favorite day because it feels like a big, warm hug.”

“Sunday is the perfect day to capture moments of relaxation and peace.”

“Sunday is the best day to share laughs, good food, and quality time with loved ones.”

“Sunday is the perfect day to enjoy a cup of coffee and pretend that I have my life together.”

“Sunday is like a reset button for the soul.”

“Sunday: the day to feel refreshed, renewed, and ready to tackle the coming week. Or maybe just nap.”

“On Sunday mornings, I’m not an adult – I’m just a big kid with a lot of responsibilities.”

“Sunday is the day to indulge in guilty pleasures without feeling guilty.” PRAYER QUOTE FOR TODAY

“Sunday: the day where my only goal is to be as lazy as possible.”

“Sunday: the day I realize how quickly the weekend has gone by and start dreading Monday.”

“Sunday is the best day to have breakfast in bed and watch an entire season of a TV show.”

“Sunday is the day to recharge and prepare for a new week of adventures and challenges.”

“Sunday is the day to celebrate the little joys in life, like having breakfast in your pajamas.”

“Sunday is a day made for finding new hobbies, exploring, and enjoying life’s simple pleasures.”

“Sunday is the day to appreciate the small things that make life beautiful.”

“Sunday: the day to celebrate doing absolutely nothing and feeling absolutely fine about it.”

“On Sundays, I do nothing. Literally. And it is the best feeling in the world.”

“Sunday: the perfect day to cuddle up with a good book and a giant cup of tea.”

“Sunday is the day where I have the power to do absolutely nothing and still feel accomplished.”