“Valentine’s Day: the holiday that reminds you that if you don’t have a special someone, you’re alone and without love. Thanks, Cupid!”

“Love is in the air…along with a million cheesy Valentine’s Day cards and heart-shaped balloons.”

“Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to let your loved ones know just how much you tolerate them.”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine’s Day is expensive – just like you!”

“I asked my significant other what they wanted for Valentine’s Day. They replied, ‘A better partner.’ Looks like I’ll be shopping for a new relationship!”

“Valentine’s Day is the day when restaurants pretend to be fancy, and single people pretend not to care.”

“If you’re feeling lonely this Valentine’s Day, just remember that some people are actually paying for their own company!”

“They say love is blind, but my bank account isn’t. Happy Valentine’s Day!”

“Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to remind your partner that they’re stuck with you for another year.”

“I thought Valentine’s Day was supposed to be sweet, but all I got was a cavity from all the chocolate I ate.”

“Valentine’s Day is just like any other day, except you pay double the price for flowers and chocolates.”

“Love is like a box of chocolates… overpriced and full of calories.”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m only in this relationship because you’re not a serial killer. Happy Valentine’s Day!”

“For Valentine’s Day, I just want someone to text me back within a reasonable time frame.”

“Valentine’s Day is the day when single people become professional third-wheelers.”

“Relationships are like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?” QUOTES ABOUT FUNNY LOVE TAGALOG VERSION

“Love is grand, divorce is a hundred grand.”

“Valentine’s Day: the one day you can buy yourself discounted chocolates and pretend someone wanted to give them to you.”

“Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your love through clichéd gestures and overpriced dinners.”

“Who needs a Valentine when you can have pizza and Netflix?”

“Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it’s probably shit.”

“Valentine’s Day is just another excuse for companies to sell heart-shaped merchandise at exorbitant prices.”

“Valentine’s Day: the holiday where love stinks – literally, if you forget to buy deodorant.”

“Celebrating Valentine’s Day with your partner is like a weight loss journey. The first few years are full of excitement and progress, but eventually, you just stop trying.”

“Valentine’s Day is the perfect chance to prove that love isn’t dead, just heavily commercialized.”

“I asked Cupid, ‘Why did you shoot me with an arrow?’ He replied, ‘I wanted to make sure I hit a heartless target.'”

“Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year where dating apps remind you how single you truly are.”

“I’m celebrating Valentine’s Day by making reservations… for one.”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m only with you because no one else wants me too.”

“Valentine’s Day: when you realize that those empty conversations you’ve been having with yourself would be better with another person.”