“Friends make you weak. They give you something to lose.”

“You can count your true friends on one hand, and still have fingers left over.”

“Friends come and go, but enemies accumulate.”

“Trust is a weakness. Friends can betray you.”

“Better to have no friends than friends who can’t be trusted.”

“You want loyalty? Get a dog, because friends will disappoint you.”

“Friends are overrated. They only bring unnecessary drama into your life.”

“If a friend turns on you, they were never really a friend to begin with.”

“A true friend is someone you can rely on when everyone else leaves.”

“Friendship is just another word for vulnerability.”

“Friends are for the weak. I prefer allies.” I WISH YOU COULD FEEL MY PAIN QUOTES

“In business, friends are just potential threats waiting to happen.”

“Real friends are rare, and that’s why they’re valuable.”

“A true friend challenges you to be the best version of yourself.”

“Friends who only come around when they need something aren’t real friends.”

“It’s better to be alone than surrounded by fake friends.”

“A real friend won’t sugarcoat the truth; they’ll tell you exactly how it is.”

“Friends can hold you back, but true friends push you forward.”

“Choose your friends wisely; they can either elevate you or bring you down.”

“Don’t waste your time on fair-weather friends who only stick around in good times.”

“The only person you can truly rely on is yourself. Friends may let you down, but you won’t.”