“Hatred is corrosive to the soul.” – Unknown

“Hatred is like a poison that slowly kills from within.” – Unknown

“Hatred blinds us to the beauty of the world.” – Unknown

“Hatred divides, love unites.” – Unknown

“Hate is heavy, let it go.” – Unknown

“Hatred is not the answer, compassion is.” – Unknown

“Hatred breeds more hatred, forgiveness breaks the cycle.” – Unknown

“Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Hate is a fire that consumes us if we let it.” – Unknown

“Hatred is self-destructive, love is self-nurturing.” – Unknown

“Hate is a prison we build for ourselves.” – Unknown

“Hatred weakens us, love strengthens us.” – Unknown MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES IN ARABIC

“Hate may seem powerful, but love always triumphs in the end.” – Unknown

“Hate is a dark cloud that obscures the light of our true nature.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a burden we choose to carry.” – Unknown

“Hate corrodes the very essence of our humanity.” – Unknown

“Hatred is a wasted emotion that serves no purpose.” – Unknown

“Hate divides us, love unites us.” – Unknown

“Hatred is an acid that destroys its container.” – Unknown

“Hate is the absence of love, choose love instead.” – Unknown

“Hatred blinds us to the humanity in others.” – Unknown

“Hate is a disease that can only be cured with love and understanding.” – Unknown