“You’ll never amount to anything.”

“You’re not capable of doing anything right.”

“Why do I bother with you? You’re worthless.”

“You’re just a burden to everyone around you.”

“I can’t believe I wasted my time on someone as useless as you.”

“You’re a failure in every aspect of your life.”

“Nobody could ever love someone as worthless as you.”

“You’re so pathetic, it’s laughable.”

“You’ll never be good enough for anyone.”

“You’re such a disappointment.”

“You’re so stupid, you’ll never understand.” FAMOUS SHAKESPEARE QUOTES ABOUT FRIENDS

“You’re just a waste of space.”

“You don’t deserve to be happy.”

“You’re nothing but a loser.”

“You’ll never achieve anything meaningful in your life.”

“No one cares about you, you’re worthless to them.”

“You’re just a constant source of disappointment.”

“You’re so useless, it’s infuriating.”

“I can’t believe I ever thought you had potential.”

“You’ll never be successful, so why even try?”

“You’re just a worthless nobody.”