“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” – Michael Pollan

“Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” – Anthony Bourdain

“Food should be healthy, tasty, and nourishing, but it should also be fun and enjoyable.” – Dr. Libby Weaver

“Eat to nourish your body, not to fill an emotional void.” – Unknown

“Don’t eat less, eat right.” – Unknown

“Food is fuel for your body, not a source of comfort for your emotions.” – Unknown

“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.” – Julia Child

“Don’t let food control you; you control it.” – Unknown

“Eat well, live well, be well.” – Unknown

“Food should be a celebration, not a punishment.” – Unknown

“Eat mindfully, savor every bite.” – Unknown BIBLE QUOTE WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING

“Choose foods that make you feel good, both physically and mentally.” – Unknown

“Healthy eating is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix.” – Unknown

“Satisfaction comes from nourishing your body in a balanced and sustainable way.” – Unknown

“Food is meant to be enjoyed, not feared.” – Unknown

“A healthy relationship with food means listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues.” – Unknown

“Food is an opportunity to nourish your body, not a way to punish or restrict yourself.” – Unknown

“A healthy diet is about progress, not perfection.” – Unknown

“Eat what makes you feel good, not what society tells you to.” – Unknown

“Food is meant to be a source of joy, not guilt.” – Unknown