“Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.” – Alfred Adler

“The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of.” – Blaise Pascal

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.” – Helen Keller

“Your heart and your brain are the primary organs for living a fulfilling life.” – Mark Divine

“The heart and the brain never stop communicating. They just have different languages.” – Suzanne O’Sullivan

“The heart is the chief feature of a functioning mind.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

“Trust your heart, but don’t forget to use your brain.” – Anurag Prakash Ray

“The heart and brain work together, two ends of a continuum. They rely on each other.” – Deepak Chopra

“Intuition is a combination of heart and brain.” – Sister Shivani

“Listen to your heart and let it guide your brain.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

“The head thinks, but it is the heart that knows.” – Regina Brett

“Your heart knows things your brain can’t explain.” – Unknown

“The brain may know, but the heart understands.” – John Green 4 YEARS ANNIVERSARY QUOTES FOR BOYFRIEND

“Logic and reason are essential, but they are enhanced when guided by the heart.” – Debasish Mridha

“Your heart speaks, but your brain translates.” – Dalia Lama

“Your heart is the compass, your brain is the map.” – Jack Delosa

“Listen to your heart, because it knows what your brain is still trying to figure out.” – Unknown

“The heart and brain communicate through feelings and emotions.” – Gabrielle Bernstein

“Let your heart lead your brain to the path of wisdom.” – Rishab Gautam

“The heart and the brain are connected through emotion and thought.” – Mateusz Grzesiak

“The heart and brain are partners in creating a meaningful life.” – Carmen Harra

“The link between heart and brain ensures our actions are driven by both reason and compassion.” – Matteo Pistono

“The heart and brain are a powerful team when they work together.” – Andreas Eenfeldt

“A heart that is connected to the brain can create miracles.” – Shawn Achor

“There is an intricate dance between the heart and the brain, where they constantly influence and inform each other.” – Joe Dispenza