“I had a heart attack, but don’t worry, it was just a minor inconvenience for my heart.”

“Who knew that eating too much pizza could be both delicious and deadly?”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, but I think a defibrillator might be more helpful after a heart attack.”

“Having a heart attack is like a surprise party, except instead of presents, you get an ambulance ride.”

“I guess my heart couldn’t handle all the excitement in my life. Time to switch to a more boring routine.”

“Note to self: don’t scare yourself with horror movies after having a heart attack. It’s like playing with fire.”

“Having a heart attack sure does bring new meaning to the saying ‘heart skipping a beat’.”

“Forget wearing my heart on my sleeve, it’s much safer to wear it in a Snickers bar.”

“Instead of a heart attack, can I just have a heart chuckle? It sounds much more pleasant.”

“They say stress is a killer, but who knew it could be such a fashion statement in the form of a heart attack?”

“Roses are red, violets are blue, my heart had a surprise party, and now I’m on a strict diet, too.”

“I guess being a heart attack survivor means I have the ultimate card to play during a game of ‘Go Fish’.”

“They should rename heart attacks to heart surprises. It’s more accurate and less terrifying.” WOMAN QUOTES ABOUT SELF WORTH

“I’ve always been an overachiever, but I never expected my heart to join the party and try to be the star of the show.”

“Having a heart attack is like getting your heart on a roller coaster – except you definitely didn’t sign up for this ride.”

“Instead of heart attack, can we call it heart vacation time? It’s like a sudden sabbatical for my ticker.”

“They say laughter is the best medicine, so I guess my heart attack was just a dose of comedy for my cardiovascular system.”

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you a heart attack, well, at least it’s a good story to tell.”

“I always thought my heart was the strong and silent type, but turns out it’s more of a drama queen with a flair for surprises.”

“Who needs a heart attack when you can have a heart emoji? It’s much cuter and less dangerous.”

“Breaking news: My heart tried to escape my chest and go on an adventure. Luckily, it got caught and returned safely.”

“They say prevention is key, but my heart just had to take the detour through the fast food drive-thru.”

“Note to self: Avoid high-stress situations, like trying to untangle a bunch of headphones, to prevent future heart attacks.”

“I used to think only superheroes had an iron heart, but apparently, mine is made of butter.”

“I’ve always dreamed of being the star of a medical drama, but I didn’t expect my heart attack to be the plot twist in my own show.”