“Sometimes you have to hide your heart to protect it.” – Unknown

“Love is a risk, so sometimes we hide our hearts to shield ourselves from pain.” – Unknown

“In order to find love, sometimes we must first hide our heart and let it be discovered.” – Unknown

“My heart is hidden in the depths of my soul, waiting for the right person to uncover it.” – Unknown

“I’ve hidden my heart away from the world, only giving pieces of it to those who truly deserve it.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the best way to protect your heart is by hiding it in plain sight.” – Unknown

“My heart is like a well-kept secret, hidden away until someone finds the key.” – Unknown

“I hide my heart in hopes that one day, someone will come along and make it feel safe enough to come out.” – Unknown

“Love is a sacred thing, so sometimes we hide our hearts to protect the purity of it.” – Unknown

“I’ve learned to keep my heart hidden, for it is a precious jewel that only deserves the best.” – Unknown

“Hiding my heart has become a defense mechanism, keeping me safe from potential pain.” – Unknown

“Behind these walls lies a heart that has been hidden, waiting for someone to tear them down and unlock it.” – Unknown

“I hide my heart, not because it is broken, but because it is fragile and needs gentle care to mend.” – Unknown

“Love is a delicate dance, so sometimes we hide our hearts until the perfect partner comes along.” – Unknown

“Behind the smiles and laughter, there lies a heart that has been hidden, waiting for true love to find it.” – Unknown

“I’ve learned that hiding my heart doesn’t make me weak, but rather smart in protecting my most valuable asset.” – Unknown LOVE MOTHER OF TWINS QUOTES

“Love is a risk worth taking, but sometimes it requires hiding our hearts until the right moment.” – Unknown

“Hiding my heart has become an art form, protecting the beauty and vulnerability within it.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we hide our hearts to avoid the pain, but in doing so, we also shield ourselves from love.” – Unknown

“Behind these guarded walls lies a heart filled with love, waiting for someone worthy enough to break them down.” – Unknown

“I hide my heart not because it is broken, but because it deserves to be cherished and cherished alone.” – Unknown

“Love is a game of chance, so sometimes we hide our hearts until we find the one who is worth the risk.” – Unknown

“Behind the tough exterior lies a heart that has been hidden, waiting for someone to prove they are worthy of it.” – Unknown

“I’ve learned that hiding my heart is not a sign of weakness, but rather a display of self-preservation.” – Unknown

“Sometimes we hide our hearts to protect ourselves, but in doing so, we also hinder our own happiness.” – Unknown

“I hide my heart to protect it from those who do not appreciate its worth.” – Unknown

“Hiding my heart has become a habit, a way of guarding myself from potential heartbreak.” – Unknown

“Love is a game of trust, so sometimes we hide our hearts until we find someone who is deserving of it.” – Unknown

“Behind the mask of indifference lies a heart that has been hidden, waiting for someone to see through the facade.” – Unknown

“I hide my heart not out of fear, but out of wisdom, for it deserves to be given to someone who will cherish it.” – Unknown