“I told the doctor I broke my arm in two places. He told me to stop going to those places!” – Henny Youngman

“I’m not saying I’m Batman, but have you ever seen me and Batman in the same room together?” – Unknown

“I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness!” – Emo Philips

“I wasn’t falling, I was just testing gravity. It still works!” – Unknown

“I don’t need a hairstylist, my pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning!” – Unknown

“I tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of my life!” – Unknown

“I’m not clumsy. It’s just that the floor hates me, gravity attacks, and the table gets in the way!” – Unknown

“My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I forgot to do!” – Unknown

“If you think nothing is impossible, try slamming a revolving door!” – Unknown

“I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy-saving mode!” – Unknown

“I’m so cool that even ice cubes are jealous of me!” – Unknown

“When someone says ‘expect the unexpected,’ slap them and say, ‘You didn’t expect that, did you?'” – Unknown

“I used to think I was indecisive, but now I’m not so sure!” – Unknown BROKEN HEART URDU QUOTES

“I’m not sarcastic. I’m just really mean and people think I’m joking!” – Unknown

“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day!” – Winnie the Pooh

“Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?” – Robin Williams

“I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me!” – Fred Allen

“I’m not lazy. I’m just highly motivated to do nothing!” – Unknown

“Surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting. Some of us were trying to dance!” – Unknown

“I thought I wanted a career, but it turns out I just wanted paychecks!” – Unknown

“Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until they speak!” – Steven Wright

“If you can’t convince them, confuse them!” – Harry S. Truman

“Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it the most never use it!” – Unknown

“The sooner I fall behind, the more time I have to catch up!” – Unknown

“Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair!” – Unknown