“I am the star of my own show, always craving attention and validation.”

“My emotions are intense and fluctuate rapidly like the tides.”

“I am a master at manipulating others to get what I want.”

“I feel empty inside unless I am the center of attention.”

“I constantly seek reassurance and praise to feel worthy.”

“My relationships are often chaotic and volatile.”

“I feel like I am always wearing a mask, trying to be what others want me to be.”

“My need for admiration can sometimes be mistaken for self-obsession.”

“I fear abandonment and will do anything to avoid it.”

“My sense of self-worth depends on the approval of others.”

“I have a deep fear of rejection that drives my behavior.” DAUGHTER PLAYING QUOTES

“My emotions can sometimes feel overwhelming and uncontrollable.”

“I often exaggerate my achievements or talents to gain attention.”

“I have a tendency to overreact to minor setbacks or criticisms.”

“I struggle with maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships.”

“Feeling special and unique is essential to my self-esteem.”

“I have a strong desire for admiration and attention from others.”

“I have difficulty regulating my emotions and often have extreme reactions.”

“I am constantly seeking validation and approval from others.”

“I fear rejection and will often go to great lengths to avoid it.”

“I am highly sensitive to criticism and take it personally.”