If you are citing a quote from a book in your research paper or essay, you can use different citation styles such as MLA, APA, or Chicago. Here are 22 examples of how to cite a quote from a book in different formats:

MLA format: Smith, John. The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers, 202

MLA in-text citation: (Smith 45)

MLA block quote: According to John Smith, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”

APA format: Smith, J. (2022). The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers.

APA in-text citation: (Smith, 2022, p. 45)

APA block quote: According to Smith (2022), “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”

Chicago format: Smith, John. The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers, 202

Chicago footnote citation: ^1 John Smith, The Book of Quotes (Penguin Publishers, 2022), 4

Chicago footnote block quote: According to John Smith, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet” ^1 (45).

Chicago author-date format: Smith, John. 202 The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers.

Chicago author-date in-text citation: (Smith 2022, 45)

Chicago author-date block quote: According to Smith (2022), “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet”

MLA format with multiple authors: Smith, John, and Jane Johnson. The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers, 202

MLA in-text citation with multiple authors: (Smith and Johnson 45)

APA format with multiple authors: Smith, J. & Johnson, J. (2022). The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers.

APA in-text citation with multiple authors: (Smith & Johnson, 2022, p. 45)

Chicago format with multiple authors: Smith, John, and Jane Johnson. The Book of Quotes. Penguin Publishers, 202

Chicago footnote citation with multiple authors: ^1 John Smith and Jane Johnson, The Book of Quotes (Penguin Publishers, 2022), 4

These examples provide guidelines on how to cite a quote from a book in various formats. However, always consult the specific citation style guidelines recommended by your instructor or institution for accurate and detailed instructions.