When citing an author quoted in another book, the format depends on whether you have access to the original source or only the secondary source. Here are 21 different ways to cite an author quoted in another book, using the American Psychological Association (APA) style:

Direct quote with access to the original source: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020, p. 45) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Direct quote without access to the original source: – In-text citation: (Smith, as cited in Jones, 2020, p. 45) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Indirect quote with access to the original source: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Indirect quote without access to the original source: – In-text citation: (Smith, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Paraphrased content with access to the original source: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Paraphrased content without access to the original source: – In-text citation: (Smith, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Multiple authors quoted in the same secondary source: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999; Brown, 2005, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Multiple authors quoted in different secondary sources: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020; Brown, 2005, as cited in Davis, 2021) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher; Davis, B. (2021). Book Title. Publisher.

Quotation from an edited collection: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020, p. 45) – Reference list: Jones, A. (Ed.). (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Quotation from an online source: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020, para. 4) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Quotation from an online article with a DOI: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020, p. 45) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page range. doi:XXXX FAMOUS QUOTE ABOUT DOORS

Quotation from an online article without a DOI: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020, p. 45) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Article Title. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), page range. Retrieved from URL

Quotation from an online newspaper article: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020, Month Day). Article Title. Newspaper Title. Retrieved from URL

Quotation from an interview: – In-text citation: (Smith, personal communication, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Quotation from a conference presentation: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Conference Title. Retrieved from URL

Quotation from a lecture or class notes: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Lecture Title. Retrieved from URL

Quotation from a thesis or dissertation: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Thesis or Dissertation Title (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University Name.

Quotation from a government report: – In-text citation: (Smith, 1999, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Report Title. Government Agency.

Quotation from a legal document: – In-text citation: (Smith v. Jones, as cited in Brown, 2020) – Reference list: Brown, J. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Quotation from an ancient text: – In-text citation: (Smith, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Quotation from religious scriptures: – In-text citation: (Smith, as cited in Jones, 2020) – Reference list: Jones, A. (2020). Book Title. Publisher.

Remember to adapt these examples to fit the specific details of the books and sources you are citing. Additionally, always consult the official APA style manual or online resources for the most accurate and up-to-date citation guidelines.