“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” – Unknown

“When someone stabs you in the back, it’s hard to trust anyone again.” – Unknown

“Trust, once broken, is hard to rebuild. But if both parties are willing to work at it, miracles can happen.” – Unknown

“The hardest thing about being hurt by someone we love is trusting them again.” – Unknown

“Trusting someone after they have hurt you is a bitter battle between your heart and your mind.” – Unknown

“When someone breaks your trust, don’t feel stupid for giving them a second chance. You were just being hopeful, which is never a bad thing.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a paper, once it’s crumpled, it can never be perfect again.” – Unknown

“The only way to make people trustworthy is to trust them.” – Ernest Hemingway

“It’s not about forgetting what someone has done to you. It’s about learning to trust again, cautiously but wholeheartedly.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to forgive and forget. Forgive them for hurting you and forget that they exist.” – Unknown

“Trust is like a mirror, once it’s shattered, it’s hard to piece it back together.” – Unknown

“When someone betrays your trust, it’s an indication of their character, not yours.” – Unknown

“The key to rebuilding trust is not to force it, but to let it unfold naturally over time.” – Unknown

“Trusting someone again is like gluing the pieces of a broken glass back together. It may never look the same, but it can still hold water.” – Unknown

“Trust is earned, not demanded. And once broken, it has to be rebuilt with consistent actions, not just words.” – Unknown RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE QUOTES

“Don’t let the pain of the past rob you of the joy of the present. Be open to trusting again, but at your own pace.” – Unknown

“Trust is like walking on thin ice. Once broken, it’s hard to regain stability.” – Unknown

“Rebuilding trust starts with accepting that the past cannot be changed. It’s about focusing on the present and building a better future together.” – Unknown

“Trust isn’t given freely, it’s earned slowly through consistent actions.” – Unknown

“You can’t control what someone did to you in the past, but you can control whether or not you let it affect your future.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of being hurt again prevent you from opening your heart to trust. Healing is possible if you allow it.” – Unknown

“Mistakes happen, forgiveness is possible, and trust can be rebuilt. It just takes time and effort from both parties involved.” – Unknown

“If you want to rebuild trust with someone who hurt you, start by forgiving them, but don’t forget the lessons you’ve learned along the way.” – Unknown

“Trust is not just built on promises, but on consistent actions that reflect integrity and honesty.” – Unknown

“Trust is a fragile thing. Once broken, it’s hard to put the pieces back together, but it’s not impossible if both parties are willing to work on it.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to be cautious when trusting someone again. Take it slow, observe their actions, and allow trust to grow naturally.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the hardest part about trusting someone again is learning to trust your own judgment.” – Unknown

“Forgiving someone who hurt you is a step towards healing, but trusting them again is a step towards growth.” – Unknown

“Trusting again after being hurt is a brave act of vulnerability, but it’s also an opportunity for growth, strength, and deeper connections.” – Unknown