“A hug is the perfect gift, one size fits all, and nobody minds if you exchange it.” -Ida Pesek

“A hug is a silent way of saying, ‘You matter to me.'” -Unknown

“Hugs and kisses are the perfect antidote for a bad day.” -Unknown

“A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back right away.” -Bil Keane

“Sometimes all you need is a hug from the right person to make everything feel right.” -Unknown

“A hug is a universal medicine, it has the power to heal both physical and emotional pain.” -Unknown

“Hugs and kisses are the sweetest expressions of love.” -Unknown

“A hug is a loving squeeze that warms the heart and brings joy to the soul.” -Unknown

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” -Ingrid Bergman

“A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love, then it becomes a symbol of affection and care.” -Unknown

“Hugging is a way to show how much you love someone without saying a word.” -Unknown

“A hug is like a band-aid for the soul, healing both the giver and the receiver.” -Unknown CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW RELATIONSHIP QUOTES

“A kiss can be a comma, a question mark, or an exclamation point. That’s basic spelling that every woman ought to know.” -Mistinguett

“Hugs and kisses are the glue that holds us together, making life’s ups and downs a little easier.” -Unknown

“The best feeling in the world is when you hug someone you love, and they hug you back even tighter.” -Unknown

“A hug is the shortest distance between two hearts.” -Unknown

“Kisses are like chocolate, they melt in your mouth and make everything sweeter.” -Unknown

“A kiss means so much more when it comes from someone who truly understands you.”

“Hugs and kisses are the currency of love, giving and receiving them makes our hearts grow richer.” -Unknown

“A hug is like a warm blanket for the soul, providing comfort and reassurance.” -Unknown

“The best kind of kiss is when you have to stop because you can’t help but smile.” -Unknown

“Hugs and kisses may not solve all problems, but they certainly make them easier to bear.” -Unknown