“Human nature is both fragile and resilient.” – Unknown

“Human nature is inherently curious and constantly seeking knowledge.” – Unknown

“Human nature is driven by a desire for connection and belonging.” – Unknown

“Human nature is capable of both great kindness and great cruelty.” – Unknown

“Human nature is filled with a constant search for meaning and purpose.” – Unknown

“Human nature is motivated by self-preservation and survival instinct.” – Unknown

“Human nature is shaped by our past experiences and upbringing.” – Unknown

“Human nature is inclined towards seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.” – Unknown

“Human nature is inherently flawed, but capable of growth and change.” – Unknown

“Human nature tends to resist change and prefer familiarity.” – Unknown

“Human nature has the capacity for love and forgiveness.” – Unknown

“Human nature is influenced by both nature and nurture.” – Unknown POSITIVE QUOTES FOR A BREAKUP

“Human nature seeks validation and acceptance from others.” – Unknown

“Human nature has a desire for power and control.” – Unknown

“Human nature thrives on collaboration and cooperation.” – Unknown

“Human nature can be both irrational and logical.” – Unknown

“Human nature is prone to biases and prejudices.” – Unknown

“Human nature is driven by a need for purpose and fulfillment.” – Unknown

“Human nature seeks comfort and stability.” – Unknown

“Human nature is at its best when individuals act with compassion and empathy.” – Unknown

“Human nature is prone to making mistakes but also capable of learning from them.” – Unknown

“Human nature has an inherent desire for freedom and autonomy.” – Unknown