“Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.” – Bill Cosby

“Nothing makes a father happier than seeing his daughter with a smile on her face… except maybe a full tank of gas.” – Unknown

“Dad, I know I’m growing up, but I promise I’ll always be your little girl… even if I don’t fit on your lap anymore.” – Unknown

“My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence B. Kelland

“Being a dad is like being on a roller coaster. Except you don’t have any control, you can’t get off, and you’re constantly questioning your sanity.” – Unknown

“Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad who taught her how to handle dumb boys and deal with drama queens.” – Unknown

“You know you’re a dad when your daughter picks out your outfit and says, ‘You look nice!’ And you just roll with it.” – Unknown

“A father is someone who carries pictures where his money used to be.” – Unknown

“I’ve always said my daughter is the reason I have trust issues… I trusted her to not spill her juice on my laptop, and she betrayed me.” – Unknown

“A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she’ll never outgrow your heart.” – Unknown

“Dad, you’ve always been like a super hero to me… but with less muscles and a preference for dad jokes.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for always being there for me… even when I was trying not to get caught.” – Unknown

“You know you’re a dad when your daughter bypasses you as her favorite superhero and starts idolizing Elsa from Frozen.” – Unknown

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad who can withstand tea parties and pretend fashion shows.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for being my personal chauffeur, ATM, and most importantly, for providing endless dad jokes.” – Unknown STAYING IN IS THE NEW GOING OUT QUOTES

“Daughters are like flowers… they bring beauty, joy, and a never-ending supply of glitter into your life.” – Unknown

“The only thing better than having a daughter is having a daughter as your own personal hair stylist.” – Unknown

“My daughter may be too young to understand my jokes, but she’s never too young to learn the art of eye-rolling.” – Unknown

“Dad, you always told me to reach for the stars… but then you forced me to clean my room. Mixed messages, I tell you.” – Unknown

“A father’s worst nightmare: being outsmarted by a toddler who has mastered the art of negotiation.” – Unknown

“Every girl may find her prince, but a daughter will always be a daddy’s little princess… even if she wears a superhero cape.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for showing me how to change a tire, fix a leaky faucet, and most importantly, how to handle life’s little disasters without panicking.” – Unknown

“Having a daughter means you will never truly be alone in the bathroom ever again.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for being the constant source of amusement in my life… even if it’s at your own expense.” – Unknown

“Dad, you taught me that laughter is the best medicine… followed closely by chocolate and ice cream.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for teaching me that it’s okay to laugh at yourself… especially when you trip over nothing.” – Unknown

“A father’s job is to embarrass his daughter as much as humanly possible… it’s in the dad handbook.” – Unknown

“Dad, thanks for always knowing how to make me laugh… even when I’m pretending to be mad at you.” – Unknown