“You’re not a friend, you’re a user.”

“I can’t believe I wasted so much time on someone like you.”

“You always manage to disappoint me.”

“You’re just toxic, and I don’t need that in my life.”

“I regret ever calling you a friend.”

“You’re selfish and only care about yourself.”

“You’re so fake, it’s exhausting to be around you.”

“I thought I could trust you, but you proved me wrong.”

“You’re a master at manipulation.”

“You’re constantly bringing me down, and I’ve had enough.”

“You don’t deserve my friendship.”

“You’re nothing but a backstabber.” HER BOOK QUOTES

“I can’t stand your presence, it’s suffocating.”

“You always manage to make everything about you.”

“I’ve realized that you were never really my friend.”

“You’re a heartless person, and I can’t be associated with that.”

“You’re always talking behind my back, and it’s disgusting.”

“I’m done being your punching bag.”

“Your actions speak louder than your words, and they say you’re a terrible friend.”

“You’re a negative influence in my life.”

“I can’t trust you with anything, and that’s not what friends are supposed to be like.”

“You’ve shown your true colors, and they’re not pretty.”