“I thought you didn’t believe in forgetting anniversaries, darling.”

“Guess I’ll just have to remind you next year, too.”

“How could you forget the day we vowed to love and cherish each other forever?”

“It’s alright, I still love you even if you have a bad memory.”

“The gift of forgiveness is the best present you can give me today.”

“You may have forgotten, but our love is always present and celebrated.”

“The only thing I’m forgetting today is to be upset about it.”

“Here’s your reminder: we’re celebrating us today!”

“It’s a good thing your love for me isn’t dependent on remembering dates.”

“I’ll forgive you if you make up for it with a special date night.”

“Even though you forgot, I’ll always remember the love we share.”

“I guess it just means we’ll have to celebrate double next year.”

“I’ll never forget this anniversary of forgetting our anniversary.” QUOTES FOR BROTHER AND SISTER FIGHT

“I hope your memory improves in the coming years.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… happy forgotten anniversary!”

“Our love is so strong, it’s the date that doesn’t matter.”

“You might have forgotten, but I’ll never forget the day we said ‘I do.'”

“Sometimes even the best husbands have a small memory lapse.”

“I guess being married to you means everyday is a celebration.”

“You may have forgotten today, but I’ll never forget all the love you’ve given me.”

“Love isn’t measured by remembering anniversaries, but by the little moments in between.”

“Even if you forget, our love is a constant reminder.”

“The most important thing is that we’re together, anniversary or not.”

“You may have forgotten, but I’ll never forget how lucky I am to have you.”

“Here’s to another year of forgetfulness – and cherished memories.”