“Grief is the price we pay for love.” – Queen Elizabeth II

“The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again, but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same, nor would you want to.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – Unknown

“Grief never ends… but it changes. It’s a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.” – Unknown

“It’s not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks that follow.” – Unknown

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” – Jamie Anderson

“The death of a beloved is an amputation.” – C.S. Lewis

“The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip-toe if you must, but take the step.” – Unknown

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Vicki Harrison

“Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can.” – Alphonse de Lamartine

“Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.” – José N. Harris

“The pain passes, but the beauty remains.” – Pierre-Auguste Renoir

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.” – Bob Marley

“You don’t get over it, you just get through it. You don’t get by it, because you can’t get around it. It doesn’t ‘get better’; it just gets different. Everyday… Grief puts on a new face…” – Wendy Feireisen MY SISTER IS MY SOULMATE QUOTES

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” – Unknown

“The only cure for grief is to grieve.” – Earl Grollman

“Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love.” – Unknown

“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them.” – Leo Tolstoy

“Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.” – Rumi

“The pain of grief is just as much part of life as the joy of love; it is perhaps the price we pay for love, the cost of commitment.” – Colin Murray Parkes

“Grief does not change you… It reveals you.” – John Green

“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.” – Helen Keller

“When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – Unknown

“Grief is the price we pay for love.” – Queen Elizabeth II

“Grief is just love with no place to go.” – Jamie Anderson

“You will lose someone you can’t live without, and your heart will be badly broken. And the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.” – Anne Lamott

“The only way to get through grief is to experience it.” – Sara Shepard