“Why don’t you just stick to what you’re good at, like cooking and cleaning?”

“You’re so lazy, I can never rely on you to get anything done.”

“You’re such a burden, I feel like I’m always taking care of you.”

“You really think you can handle that? I highly doubt it.”

“You’re so forgetful, it’s like you have no brain sometimes.”

“Why would I listen to you? You don’t know anything.”

“You’re so indecisive, I have to make all the important decisions for us.”

“You can never do anything right, can you?”

“I can’t believe I married someone as incompetent as you.”

“You’re so annoying, I can’t even stand being around you.”

“Why do you always make everything about you?” GREAT QUOTES ABOUT LIFE BY MUSICIANS

“You’re so pathetic, I don’t understand how anyone could love you.”

“You’re just a disappointment, I expected so much more from you.”

“You’re so worthless, I have no idea why I even bother with you.”

“You should just give up, because you’ll never amount to anything.”

“You’re so stupid, it’s embarrassing to be associated with you.”

“You’re such a failure, I don’t know how you manage to mess everything up.”

“You’re so naive, you’ll never understand how the real world works.”

“You’re just a burden on our finances, how can you spend so recklessly?”

“You’re so unattractive, I can’t even pretend to be attracted to you anymore.”